Caligo euphorbus (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1862)
Common Name:
Euphorbus Giant Owl
Euphorbus Giant Owl
Pavonia euphorbus C. Felder & R. Felder, 1862
Description Female:
Butterflies of large wingspan, sometimes over 15 cm.
Natural History:
The species is common in the understory of undisturbed forests. The butterflies are active during the day or twilight. They fly low and settle on trunks with their wings positioned vertically, exposing so the large "eyes" on the hindwings.
Brasil: Amazonas; Perú
Brasil: Amazonas; Perú
Feeding Adult:
On (rotting) fruits
Feeding Caterpillars:
On Heliconiaceae and Musaceae
brown, blue
brown, blue
Male, from dorsal
Specimen deposited in the Collection of Invertebrates INPA, Amazonas
Male, from ventral
Specimen deposited in the Collection of Invertebrates INPA, Amazonas
Female, from dorsal
Specimen deposited in the Collection of Invertebrates INPA, Amazonas
Female, from ventral
Specimen deposited in the Collection of Invertebrates INPA, Amazonas