Heliconius numata (Cramer, 1780)

Common Name:
Numata Longwing

Papilio numata (Cramer, 1780)

Natural History:

There are nearly 30 subspecies recorded in the Neotropics (Lamas, 2004). It is an unpalatable species and show a wide variety polymorphic. Integra mimetic complex "tiger pattern" showing chromatic polymorphism in different arrangements of black and orange colors. It is a species that fly high and is found in low numbers in the primary forest where co-inhabit with butterflies ithominae mimics. However, if the forest is disturbed can proliferate in abundance. Both sexes can be captured at flowers of orange-red color (e.g. Palicourea, Warszewiczia (Rubiaceae), Lantana (Verbenaceae), Passiflora (Passifloraceae). In the late afternoon also makes aggregations. For H. numata and anothers species see Brown &  Benson (1974).


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Bolivia; Brasil; Colombia; Ecuador; Guyane française; Perú; Suriname; Venezuela
Feeding Adult:

This species visit flowers flowers of  colors in general orange to red.

Feeding Caterpillars:

Host-plant recorded in Brazil according compiled by (Beccaloni et al. 2008), are:

Passifloracea: Dilkea spp., Passiflora spp., Passiflora actinia, Passiflora acuminata, Passiflora alata, Passiflora auriculata, Passiflora bahiensis, Passiflora candida, Passiflora “cerradense”, Passiflora citrifolia?, Passiflora coccinea, Passiflora edulis, Passiflora eichleriana, Passiflora faroana, Passiflora glandulosa, Passiflora jileki, Passiflora laurifolia, Passiflora leptopoda?, Passiflora nitida, Passiflora quadriglandulosa, Passiflora rhamnifolia, Passiflora riparia, Passiflora setacea, Passiflora sidaefolia, Passiflora tricuspis, Passiflora vellozii, Tetrastylis ovalis.

black, orange, yellow, cream
forest, forest edge, anthropogenic
Lamas G. (2004):
Atlas of neotropical Lepidoptera - Checklist: Part 4A Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea. Book.: 1-439
Brown Jr. K.S., Benson, W.W. (1974):
Adaptive polymorphism associated with multiple müllerian mimicry in Heliconius numata (Lepid. Nymph.). Biotropica. 6(4): 205-2208
Beccaloni G.W, Viloria A.L., Hall S.K., Robinson G.S. (2008):
Catalogue of the hostplants of the Neotropical butterflies. Book., London, S.E.A., Ribes, CYTED, Natural History Museum, IVIC: 1-536
heliconius numata var. silvana dorsal

H. numata var. silvana

From dorsal

Specimen deposited in the Collection of Invertebrates INPA, Manaus, Amazonas

heliconius numata numata

H. numata var. numata

From dorsal

Specimen deposited in the Collection of Invertebrates INPA, Manaus, Amazonas

heliconius numata superioris

H. numata var. superioris

From dorsal

Specimen deposited in the Collection of Invertebrates INPA, Manaus, Amazonas