
This family of butterflies is curious because many species appear like moths, by their robust body, a rather cryptic coloration and the behavior to rest with their wings spread out (not folded over the back).
Its diversity is estimated to include 2600 species in the Neotropics (Lamas 2004). The monophyly of the Hesperiidae is well supported by recent analyses. It is the only family in the superfamily Hesperioidea (Warren et al 2009) and comprises the subfamilies Pyrrhopyginae, Pyrginae, Hesperiinae, Heteropterinae and Megathyminae.
In the South and Southeast of Brazil about 10 species of the family are known to be endangered due to deforestation and habitat destruction (Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation 2011).
In Brazil the authority for hesperiids is Dr. O.H.H Mielke.