Heraclides thoas (Linnaeus, 1771)

Common Name:
Thoas Swallotails

Papilio thoas (Linnaeus, 1771)

Natural History:

This species can be observed in places with sun in different environments, in urban habitat or forest. Always in search of sunshine may spend much time flying high, but fly lower to feed on flowers or damp sand. Eggs and caterpillars that mimic “bird droppings” can be found in leaves of Piper sp.

Adults live on average 3 weeks and the female placed as one hundred eggs, may become pests in crops of orange (Rutaceae) (Otero & Marigo, 1992).

Brasil; Colombia; Ecuador; Panamá; Perú; Venezuela
Feeding Adult:

on nectar, minerals

Feeding Caterpillars:

Caterpillars feed on plants of Piperaceae and Rutaceae

urban, open forest / meadow
Otero L.S., Marigo L.C. (1992):
Butterflies of Carajás. Book., Rio de Janeiro, Companhia Vale do Rio Doce: 1-76
Heraclides thoas resting
Resting in a secondary forest (campus of University, Manaus; Photo: Pedro Nassar)

Swallowtail puddling with a cloud of pierid in Humaita, Amazonas

Photo: Marcos Amend