
The family Pieridae consists of about 1100 species in 4 subfamilies: Dismorphiinae with 60 species, Coliadinae with 220 species, Pierinae with 840 species Pierinae and Pseudopontiinae, one monotypic subfamily occurring only in Africa (Ackery et al. 1999). In the Neotropics 339 species occur (Lamas 2004).
All Pieridae adults feed on nectar (Canseco,2007). Males congregate at river beaches creating one beautiful spectacle. In Amazonia draw attention by migratory movements and behavior of feeding in large flocks along rivers and moist sand. Regionally this phenomenon is called "Panapaná" (Negret, 1988).
In this family are species which can be serious pests of cultivated plants (e.g. Brassicaceae).