Colobura annulata Willmott, Constantino & Hall, 2001

Common Name:
Annulata Beauty
Natural History:

Colobura annulata occurs in sympatry with Colobura dirce. This species is also observed in secondary forest and inhabits the canopy and understory.

The caterpillars are gregarious and feed on several species of Cecropiaceae. Details about the biology of the immature see Willmott et al. 2001.

Bolivia; Brasil; Colombia; Ecuador; Guyana; Guyane française; México; Trinidad and Tobago; Venezuela
Occurence Period:

Occurs throughout the year

Feeding Adult:

Adults feed on rotting fruits

Feeding Caterpillars:

The caterpillars feed on diverse species of Cecropiacea: Cecropia virgusa, Cecropia eximia, Cecropia longipes, Cecropia peltata. These species also are recorded in Colombia on Caricaceae. On Carica papaya is recorded in Suriname. 

black, cream, brown
forest, forest edge
Willmott K.R., Constantino L.M., Hall J.P.W. (2001):
A review of Colobura (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) with comments on larval adult ecology and description of a sibling species. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 94(2): 185-196  PDF-Download of the publication
colobura annulata

Sucking sweat / wet clothes

Humaitá, Amazonas

Photo: Marcos Amend